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Many things can happen at birth, which if not promptly and properly acted upon can lead to permanent injury or brain damage. The failure to respond to fetal distress can result in a lack of oxygen and brain damage. Overdoses of labor-inducing drugs can have the same effect. A child may be phsycially injured or even killed by improper birthing techniques. A family's lives can be forever altered by an injury or death caused by negligence at birth. Victims who survive such negligence often require a lifetime of expensive professional care. Finding out whether the birth injury claim is viable depends on retracing what happened at the birth and whether it caused the damage.
Sometimes cerebral palsy maybe the result of something that happened at birth. Cerebral palsy is a motor disorder resulting in spasticity, severe developmental delays, and sometimes mental retardation. Children are often wheelchair bound and may require feeding tubes. Finding out whether the claim is viable is a long and usually fairly expensive process. First, the child must be under six years old in order to proceed under the statute of limitations. The questions then become what happened at the birth and did it cause the damage.